Unified analysis

3D unified run

The theory will be developed in three dimensions, and later particularised to two. 

A general three-dimensional run of length   L is illustrated, in which a typical element   δL is located at   r in a convenient centroidal Cartesian system, the centroid being such that :-
( iii)       ∫L r dL   =   0   ;     r   =   [ x y z ]'     see ( i) above.

The centroidal loading   F & M causes the loaded member to rotate with respect to the support about a fixed centre of rotation   C located at   rc, so the radius   s from C to the element is
( iv)       s   =   r - rc
As a result of this rotation, compatibility requires that the strain in the joint at the element is both orthogonal to and linear in   s. Presuming elastic behaviour, the stress resultant at the element - ie. the intensity   q - is also orthogonal to and linear in s. This may be expressed as :

( 2)       q   =   [ qx qy qz ]'   =   b x s   =   b x r - c     using ( iv)
            where   b   =   [ bx by bz ]' is a vector constant commensurate with linearity,
                            the cross product ensures   q, s orthogonality, and
                            c   =   b x rc   =   [ cx cy cz ]' is another constant vector common to all elements.

Equation ( 2) establishes the form of the intensity variation with position   r along the run. It remains to evaluate the two constants   b and c to define completely the dependence of   q upon r. This evaluation follows from equilibrium :-

For force equilibrium, using ( 2)
F   =   [ Fx Fy Fz ]'   =   - ∫L q dL   =   - ∫L ( b x r - c ) dL
      =   - b x ( ∫L r dL ) + cL dL   ;   the first integral vanishes as a result of ( iii), leaving
( 3 )     F   =   L c     that is   c   =   F / L   - just the reversed primary intensity of the traditional method.
For moment equilibrium, again using ( 2)
M   =   [ Mx My Mz ]'   =   - ∫L r x ( q dL)   =   - ∫L r x ( b x r - c ) dL
      =   - ∫L r x ( b x r ) dL + ( ∫L r dL ) x c   ;   in which the second integral vanishes, again via ( iii).
Expanding out the products in the first integral and integrating term by term (this is left as an exercise for the reader) :-
I matrix
                This matrix of second line-moments can be computed from known geometry.

The constants   b and c may thus be determined from known loading and run geometry, via ( 3) and ( 4), enabling  q to be found at any point  r from ( 2).

In the case of a two-dimensional joint lying wholly in the x-y plane (the only case examined at length here), z vanishes everywhere on the run,  r degenerates to   [ x y 0 ]', and ( 4) becomes :-
b vector
It may be shown that equations ( 2), ( 3) and ( 4a), with   Ixy = 0, reduce to the equations cited previously in the traditional approach. However ( 4a) correctly recognises x-y coupling, as may be seen by comparing it with the equations used for the asymmetric bending of beams.


The intensity   q at a point in the joint run is related to the known load in global terms   [ qx qy qz ]', via ( 2). Safety at that point in turn depends, via ( 1), on   q expressed in terms of local components   [ q1 q2 q3 ]' whose directions are dictated by the orientation of the fillet locally at the point. To avoid the need for visual inspection to carry out the global -to -local transformation - inspection which can be awkward as the above traditional example showed - we define the matrix operation :-

( 5 )         qlocal   =   t qglobal       ie.     [ q1 q2 q3 ]'   =   t [ qx qy qz ]' resolution
                      in which the 3x3 transformation matrix,   t, is a pure geometric entity involving the direction cosines of the run tangent at the point in question, together with the roll angle of the fillet. We consider resolution only for the particular case of a run lying in the x-y support plane with the z- and 3-senses identical (as above). The fillet does not roll. If   θ is the inclination of the longitudinal sense (tangent to the run) in the x-y system - θ being reckoned positive anti -clockwise from the x to the longitudinal sense - then :
t matrix traverse sense
The longitudinal sense may be remembered by the requirement for the run to be traversed clockwise when the weld plane is viewed normally, as sketched:


The unified approach to analysing a fillet welded joint whose run consists of co-planar straight line segments involves the following steps :

The foregoing example carried out inappropriately by the traditional technique is repeated here using the unified method, and highlights how neglect of asymmetry can lead to a dangerous situation. Thus if asymmetric bending had been incorrectly neglected here (eg. zero   Ixy used in calculations) then a fillet size of 2.8 mm would have resulted, which, if used in the joint, would have yielded an actual safety factor of only 2.8 * 410 / 2 * 464 = 1.24 - a significant and dangerous reduction from the target of 1.73.


The foregoing analyses rest upon rather simplistic foundations despite the apparent mathematical niceties. Three significant and questionable assumptions are the following :

These assumptions notwithstanding, the theory works in practice because it describes fairly well joints' tendencies to failure - so provided it is used with experimental safety constraints which also are characterised by the theory, then safety assessment is perfectly valid.

This chapter cannot conclude without reiterating forcefully that successful welded joint design relies as much if not more on common sense and practical experience than on mathematics - no matter how appealing this last might be.

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