Traditional analysis

The traditional approach is limited to planar joint runs, and is commonly restricted to runs having straight segments. It is stated here without proof as it is a particularisation of the unified approach which is derived from first principles below.

A typical planar joint run comprising two straight segments AB and BC is shown at ( d) below. A convenient Cartesian system is erected at the run's centroid with the run lying in the x-y weld plane. In the sketch, the external loads on the loaded member have been transferred to the run centroid to constitute the known load   F, M on the joint - it is this load which is equilibrated by the force intensity   q along the run.
intensity components

The traditional approach treats force intensity along a weld run analogously to stresses in a beam, resolving   q into :

The total force intensity   q is the vector sum of primary and secondary components. Vector summation senses must be deduced by inspection, which can be rather tedious. The procedure is exemplified below.

This example of analysis by the traditional method illustrates some of its drawbacks and . . . .

. . . . confirms that the traditional approach is suitable only for : The unified approach on the other hand is completely general and suited to asymmetric runs. It is a vector treatment which does not distinguish between in- and out -of -plane loading, and which is well suited for computer implementation. However before this is examined it is necessary to complete the foregoing by correlating the resultant intensity at any point along the run with the material strength to evaluate the safety factor at that point. To do this, the stresses in the throat plane must be considered.

Throat stresses and joint safety

The following assumptions are made :-

These gross simplifications are justified as they enable designs to be compared to actual weld tests using the same fillet loading characterisation.

The resultant intensity in global terms   q = [ qx qy qz ]' has been evaluated as above for a certain weld element of length   δL. The intensity is resolved into components local to the element   q = [ q1 q2 q3 ]' in Fig ( j) below - the 1-direction being longitudinal ie. along the run, and the 2- and 3-directions normal to the fillet faces.

For the point C of the preceding example, the 1-2-3 directions local to the joint at C happen to correspond to the global x-y-z senses, so :
      qC   =   [ q1   q2   q3 ]'   =  [ qx   qy   qz ]'   =   [ 18.6   -19.4   -324.5 ]' N/mm
By inspection at the point A on the other hand :
      qA   =   [ q1   q2   q3 ]'   =   [ qy   -qx   qz ]'   =   [ -7.6   -1.0   -27.0 ]' N/mm

The equilibrating components on the loaded member face of the element in ( j) demonstrate that   q1 is essentially different to   q2 and   q3 as these latter appear as shear and normal effects on adjacent fillet faces whereas   q1 manifests itself as shear on both faces.
throat stresses
To correlate throat stresses with the known intensity of ( j), we consider equilibrium of a free body of the top half of the fillet, one of whose boundaries is the throat, Fig( k). The uniform stress over the throat consists of a component   σ normal to the throat plane, together with two mutually perpendicular shear components lying in the throat plane - the longitudinal shear component   τl and the transverse shear component   τt.

Since   δF =   q.δL =   σ.δA   and the throat width   a = w/√2,   force equilibrium of the free body ( k) requires :
( ii)       τl aδL   =   q1 δL   ;       τt aδL   =   ( q2 + q3 ) δL/√2   ;       σ aδL   =   ( q2 - q3 ) δL/√2   Mohrs circles

Applying the distortion energy failure theory to this plane stress state, the equivalent uniaxial stress in the throat of the fillet element,   σe, is given by :-
          σe2   =   σ2 + 3 τ2   =   σ2 + 3 ( τl2 + τt2 )       using Pythagoras

Substituting for the stresses from ( ii) and introducing the concept of the scalar equivalent force intensity qe which causes the same failure tendency as the given  q yields :-

( 1)       w σe   =   2 qe       where   qe   =   √( 3/2q12 + q22 + q2 q3 + q32 ) ;       σe   =   S/n

                              in which   S is the strength of the weld material and   n is the safety factor at the fillet. Note that ( 1) contains the four indispensible ingredients of a design equation - safety (n), dimensions (the constant fillet size, w), material (characterised by strength S) and loading characterised by the intensity (q).

Like the beam, the final analysis step involves a search along the run to determine the most critically loaded fillet and hence the minimum safety factor of the joint as a whole.

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