strength v. diameter for ferrous spring materials

Wire materials

The majority of springs are cold wound from cold drawn carbon steel. The marked increase of tensile strength   Sut with decreasing wire diameter   d is graphed for three common steel wires - the corresponding expressions in Table 2 below which relate strength to diameter are regressions for data in the   Spring Design Manual (op cit) which may be consulted for data on other materials.

The strength ratios in Table 2 were prepared from graphs presented by   Godfrey showing allowable shear stress limits for different wire diameters and materials. Strengths are :
  -   Sus   ultimate strength in shear
  -   Sys   yield strength in shear - permanent set results if this is exceeded
  -   Ses   fatigue strength in reversed shear corresponding to 10 Mc (107 cycles).
The ratios are lower bounds to Goodman correlations of experimental fatigue data from various workers for a large number of springs with typical surface finishes. Godfrey includes also plots for lives other than 10 Mc, from which the corresponding fatigue strengths may be deduced.
    material hard drawn wire music wire oil tempered wire
    designation ASTM A227/SAE J113 ASTM A228/SAE J178 ASTM A229/SAE J315
    nominal carbon, % 0.5 - 0.8 0.7 - 1.0 0.6 - 0.8
    common sizes (d) mm 0.5 - 12.5 0.2 - 5 0.8 - 16
    general attributes cheapest; not for fatigue due to surface defects best quality; especially for smaller springs general purpose but fatigue life limited
    tensile ult. (Sut) MPa 2470 +d( 2910 +40d) 3370 +d( 6560 -230d) 2630 +d( 2180 +56d)
    1 +d( 2 +0.1d) 1 +3.5d 1 +d( 1.6 +0.08d)
    Sus / Sut 0.52 0.50 0.63
    Ses / Sut 0.13 0.15 0.13
    Sys / Sut 0.43 0.43 0.48

Fatigue applications such as engine valves demand a high surface finish of the wire, so the choice of material is based largely on this characteristic which is a result of the method of wire manufacture. Expensive care is taken to maintain the surface of valve spring quality (VSQ) wire free from defects.

Presetting and shot peening

Presetting   (or "scragging") and shot peening are two manufacturing operations which are carried out after coiling and heat treatment, but before putting a spring into service. They each confer a favourable residual stress distribution in the wire which increases the allowable operating loads.

The stresses in a torsion bar made from an elastic-perfectly plastic material during and after presetting are sketched here. A relatively large presetting load (torque) is applied to cause a band of material under the surface to become plastic while the core of the wire remains elastic ( b).
presetting a torsion bar
When the presetting load is removed the bar recovers elastically but does not return to its original position since part of the wire cross-section has yielded - the bar remains permanently deformed. The corresponding residual stresses ( c ) are negative at the surface - negative in the sense of the stress induced by the applied load. When the bar is subsequently put into service these residual stresses are elastically subtractive from the stresses attributable to the load ( e), so that surface stresses are less than those which would have occurred in the absence of preset. A more detailed explanation of presetting is given in the Appendix.
Presetting a spring, as opposed to a torsion bar, involves making the spring sufficiently long so that portion of the cross-section yields when the spring is compressed solid during preset. When the presetting load is removed the spring recovers elastically to a shorter free length. The residual stresses are similar to those in a torsion bar, but more complex due to direct shear and curvature-induced stress concentration. Presetting usually reduces the stiffness by 5-10%.

Shot peening involves bombarding the wire with high velocity pellets to impart a surface compression. Residual stresses are more surface- localised than those induced by presetting. Peening is particularly beneficial for fatigue in the presence of surface flaws (die marks, pits and seams), but is appropriate only for wire diameters exceeding 1.5 mm or thereabouts.
Springs destined for arduous duty are invariably preset and/or peened, however in the interests of simplicity we shall not make use of the significantly higher design stresses which these operations allow. The material strengths tabulated above refer to springs without preset or peening.

Fatigue loading

typical fatigue surface some nasty flaws failure due to corrosion pitting
If a compression spring is designed with the yield limit above the solidity limit and manufactured correctly then the only way it can fail is through fatigue. The leftmost photograph of a typical fatigue failure surface reveals a crack source near the inner more highly stressed surface of the wire. If stress raisers occur due to poor manufacture or to corrosion as illustrated in the other photographs, then fracture is likely to emanate from the stress raisers thereby reducing fatigue life.

In the absence of such stress raisers, correlation of the repeated loading on a spring with its material's properties in order to ascertain safety is usually carried out via a Goodman analysis. Given the spring material and wire diameter, the shear ultimate   Sus and fatigue strength in reversed shear   Ses may be found from the literature, or as explained above. figure A The conservatively straight Goodman failure locus is thus defined in   τa - τm space, as shown on the diagram ( A)   { nomenclature explanation}.

Spring loading is almost invariably unidirectional, so   τa ≤ τm and loading states occur only to the right of the 45o stress equality line. One such load state is illustrated, lying on a line which corresponds to a safety factor of   n, ie. the line joins the points   ( Sus/n, 0), (0, Ses/n) and so lies parallel to the failure locus. From similar triangles the Goodman fatigue equation is :

( 4a)         τm /Sus + τa /Ses   =   1/n       in which the stress components are given by
                                      τm   =   Ks 8 FmC / πd2     where   Fm   =   ( Fhi + Flo ) /2     and
                                      τa   =   Kh 8 Fa C / πd2     where   Fa   =   ( Fhi - Flo ) /2

The full stress concentration factor   Kh is applied to the alternating component   τa in ( 4a). Stress redistribution is presumed to follow localised yielding, with the result that stress concentration is usually ignored in figuring the steady component of fatigue loading. The mean stress   τm is therefore based on the factor   Ks, which accounts only for direct stresses in the torsion equation.

The safe operating window of the Goodman diagram is completed by the yield limit. If   ny is the factor of safety against the yield being exceeded, then :

( 4b)         τm + τa   =   Sys/ny       since   ( τm + τa ) represents the maximum stress.

A fatigue analysis of the preceding example using ( 4a) is carried out in this example.

The traditional method of presenting allowable fatigue stresses is to plot the maximum shear stress   τhi against the minimum   τlo, rather than the amplitude versus the mean as above. Although strictly not correct, the full stress concentration factor   Kh is applied conservatively to both components which are inserted into the Goodman expression ( 4a) to give the failure locus:

( 4c)         τhi   =   { 2 Sus Ses / ( Sus + Ses ) }   + { ( Sus - Ses ) / ( Sus + Ses ) } τlo       where
                        τhi = Kh 8 C Fhi / πd2       and     τlo = Kh 8 C Flo / πd2
Thus for the wire of the foregoing example with stresses in MPa :

  1.   ( 4a)   Goodman failure locus           τm/888 + τa /183 = 1
  2.   ( 4b)   yield failure criterion             τhi = 677 safe window
  3.   ( 4c)   modified Goodman locus     τhi = 303 + 0.658 τlo
Though ( i) and (iii) appear identical, since   τhi = τm + τa and   τlo = τm - τa, the four stress components are defined with different stress factors in ( 4a) and ( 4c). The safe operating window from the last two relations is shown here. States below the equality line are impossible as this would mean reversal of the minimum / maximum roles. The material strengths of Table 2 were deduced via ( 4c) from plots such as this in Godfrey.

The fatigue strength in repeated (one-way) shear   S'es forms the basis of a Goodman approach, diagram ( B) which is less conservative than that based on reversed shear, diagram ( A). figure B If the test stress varies between zero and   S'es, then   τa = τm = S'es/2, and the failure line joins the points ( Sus, 0), ( S'es/2, S'es/2 ). The resulting design equation is :

( 4d)         τm /Sus   + τa ( 2/S'es - 1/Sus )   =   1/n

Since it is rare that the fatigue strength in repeated loading is available, we will henceforth employ ( 4a) and ( 4b) with the fatigue strength corresponding to whatever life is of interest.

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