Gear failure - reliability

Photoelasticity is used to estimate the stresses in a loaded element. Polarised light is transmitted through the transparent model of a slice of the element. The model deforms under load, causing the transmitted beam to interfere with a reference beam.

photoelastic model of gears

The resulting interference pattern consists of a series of bands, each representing an area of constant prototype stress whose value can be predicted by calibration and by counting bands from unloaded areas. Qualitatively, the closer these bands are bunched up in the model, the higher are the prototypical stresses.

The photoelastic results of contacting gear teeth shown here have important implications for tooth safety :

These stresses are alternating since a particular tooth is loaded only briefly during one rotation of the gear. Gear failure is therefore very much a case of fatigue, though a one-off static overload obviously may cause failure if sufficiently large.

The following treatment of gear reliability is a gross simplification of the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) code of practice, AGMA 2001. The treatment aims to demonstrate one approach to fatigue design rather than to transform the reader into a gearing expert. common failure mechanisms

Apart from one-off overloads, there are three common modes of tooth failure

We shall not examine the last of these - it involves the relative velocity and pressure between the teeth together with the lubricant viscosity which is affected by the complex interaction between the heat generated due to the gears' inefficiency, the thermal inertia and dissipative properties of the complete gearbox, and the temperature of the surrounds.

Since fatigue is prevalent in the other two failure modes, the AGMA employs a reliability approach rather than a safety factor approach in assessing a tooth's tolerance of damage - its bending strength and its pitting resistance. In a reliability analysis, knowledge of a component's load-life (S-N) relationship enables a load to be considered from the point of view of its effect on component life rather than whether it leads to total failure or to total non-failure. A smaller load increases life, a larger load reduces life; whether the safety factor is greater or less than one is irrelevant - indeed the whole concept of safety factor is inappropriate in the context of reliability.

In the succeeding sections therefore, we first determine the effective damaging tooth force   F* due to the power transmitted and the shock / vibration intrinsic to the gears' manufacture and operational environment. The stress,   σ, due to this force is then deduced from bending theory, or from Hertzian contact theory in the case of pitting, and the resulting life follows from the load-life curve appropriate to bending or to contact fatigue as the case may be. load-life relationship
It will be recalled that the load-life diagram for a particular material and given type of loading is generally of the form illustrated, with curves corresponding to different survival rates being approximately parallel to one another - the 99% survival curve eg. implies that one sample in a hundred fails to reach the life given by the curve for a particular load. We shall consider only steel materials (carbon steels induction- or through-hardened, nitrided alloy steels etc). Rather than provide the complete load-life diagram for each steel, the AGMA chooses a reference point on the curve corresponding to 99% survival rate after   107 unidirectional loading cycles, and cites the corresponding allowable stress,   S, as a representative property of the steel. So, for any given load ( σ) the life and survival rate (reliability) may be correlated through :

( 12 )         σ   =   S ∗ life factor ( KL or CL ) / reliability factor ( KR )       where :
  fewer than one failure in 10,000 99.99   1.50  
  fewer than one failure in 1,000 99.9   1.25  
  fewer than one failure in 100 99   1.00  
  fewer than one failure in 10 90   0.85  

Further explanation of the derivation of ( 12) is presented here.

These aspects when combined will result in gear tooth design equations, one for bending strength and one for pitting resistance, which embrace load (transmitted power), dimensions (primarily size characterised by module), material (allowable stress) and life rather than safety.

Tooth forces

It will be recalled that the free body of a gear pair necessitates identical senses of the torques on pinion and wheel - Fig L below repeats the essentials of Fig J with clockwise torques. Two teeth are in contact at the point C on the line of action, which is tangential to the two base circles and inclined at the pressure angle, α. ( Strictly, parameters corresponding to extended centres should be considered here, but this sophistication is not necessary for the present introduction to gear reliability. )

tooth forces, fig L

On the right of Fig L, separate incomplete free bodies of the gears are shown to highlight the equal-and-opposite contact forces, F, acting on the gears at the contact point. Presuming negligible friction, these forces are normal to the involutes ie. along the line of action. Using the principle of transmissibility, the contact force on the lower gear has been shown moved along the line of action to act at the pitch point, P, where it is resolved into a tangential component   Ft and a radial component   Fr. The same can be done with the upper gear - in both cases the torque is equilibrated by the contact force, so using ( 5) :-

( 13 )         T i   =   F Roi   =   F ( R i cos α )   =   ( F cos α ) R i   =   Ft R i   ;       i = 1,2

                                  where   Ft is the useful tangential component of the contact force at the pitch point. The radial component, Fr, is useless and tends only to separate the gears (or pitch cylinders) - note that ( 13) tallies with ( 1) which neglected   Fr.
The pressure angle in Fig L should more correctly be the extended value, and correspondingly ( 13) should really be cast in terms of the actual pitch radius. We neglect such niceties in the present general development.

The steady power transferred, P, is :-

( 14 )           P   =   ω i T i   ;       i = 1, 2       the power transfer in rotational terms equals
                            =   ω i Ft R i   =   Ft v           the power transfer in translational terms, from ( 1)

Athough the positive drive ensures that there is no speed loss, there will be torque and power losses due to sliding. Spur gear efficiencies exceeding 99% have been reported, however a value of around 96% is more appropriate for run-of-the-mill design - this allows for bearing and aerodynamic losses in addition to tooth friction.

Gear analysis or design usually starts with a known time-averaged (ie. steady) power transfer - these last equations enable the uniform transmitted load   Ft to be found. The corresponding failure-producing (ie. damaging) load   F* will be greater than  Ft because of shock, vibration caused by less-than-perfect tooth profiles and mounting rigidity, and so on. We write :

( 15 )         F*   =   Ka Kv Km Ft

                            in which the various empirical K-factors, all ≥ 1, each reflects the extra damage caused by a particular, separately identifiable practical non-uniformity, as follows :-

Ka is an   application factor to allow for the non-uniformity of input and/or output torque inherent in the machinery connected to the gears. Typical values are :-

APPLICATION FACTOR   Ka FOR REDUCTION GEARS     ( x 1.1 if speed-up drive ) driving machinery
electric motor
steam turbine
gas turbine
light shocks
heavy shocks
single cylinder
driven machinery
uniform generator, belt conveyor, light elevator,electric hoist, machine tool feed drive, ventilator, turbo-blower, turbocompressor, mixer (constant density) 1 1.25 1.5
machine tool main drive, heavy elevator, crane turning gears, mine ventilator, mixer (variable density), multicylinder piston pump, feed pump 1.25 1.5 1.75
press, shear, rolling mill drive, heavy centrifuge,heavy feed pump, pug mill, power shovel, rotary drilling apparatus, briquette press 1.75 2
or higher
or higher

Kv is a   dynamic factor which accounts for internally generated tooth loads induced by non-conjugate action of the teeth, by gear mesh stiffness variation, by gear imbalance and the like. The AGMA code defines a transmission accuracy level number,   Q, which reflects these latter (high Q implies low excitation, a low Q refers to low accuracy and high vibration) and suggests the   Kv factors shown below, expressing them empirically as follows (with velocity   v in m/s) :-
  Q ≤ 5 Kv = 1 + √v/3.6       gears of this class are limited to speeds under 13m/s. dynamic factor
  6 ≤ Q ≤ 11 Kv = ( 1 + √v / ( 7.6 - 4 B ) )B
where   B = 0.25 ∗ ( 12 - Q )2/3
  Q ≥ 12 Kv = 1     - this corresponds to ultra precision gearing, or to situations where dynamic loads have been accurately forecast and separately allowed for.
The selection of a suitably realistic accuracy level requires considerable experience.
Kv does not account for vibration induced by running near shaft critical speeds or by other resonances - these should be avoided or separately catered for.
Note that the AGMA defines   Kv as the reciprocal of the Kv used here.
Km is a   load distribution factor which reflects the non-uniformity of tooth loading over the face width of the teeth, arising from gear and mounting inaccuracy, elastic deformation of shafting and the like.
For a face width f (mm) the AGMA proposes the empiricisms :
Km = 1 + Cpf + Cma     where
Cpf is a pinion proportion factor which reflects misalignment due to load induced elastic deformations of the pinion; it may be evaluated (with dimensions in mm) from :
Cpf = 0.1 max( 0.5, f/D1 ) + max ( 0, f - 25 )/2000 - 0.025     graphed below.
Cma is a mesh alignment factor which accounts for misalignment due to causes other than elastic deformation such as inaccurate location of shaft bearings. It is approximated :
Cma = A + f/B - (f/C)2     in which the constants A, B & C for various classes of gears - open, commercial and precision enclosed - are shown below.
C-pf C-ma
The face width should be reasonably proportioned to other gear dimensions. If a tooth is too wide it may bend excessively across its width, if it is too narrow then an uneconomically large diameter must be provided to compensate for lack of width. Proportions may be expressed as :-

( 16 )           f   =   β m       where, usually, 9 ≤ β ≤ 15 for economic gears -

These limits should not be regarded as inviolable, but costs should be expected to escalate if they are exceeded.

We have seen how to evaluate ( 15) the damaging fatigue load on a gear tooth,   F*, due to the torque transmitted combined with the quality of the gear's manufacture and its operating environment.

To estimate the tooth's life as a result of each failure mechanism, this load is applied to a geometrically simplified model of the tooth, viz. :
      -   a rectangular cantilever in bending, or
      -   a pair of cylinders in Hertzian contact
                    to determine the corresponding stresses in the simplified model. Stresses in the geometrically complex tooth are projected from these model stresses via a geometry factor - obtainable by comparison with exhaustive testing by the AGMA and others - thus enabling the life to be estimated from the S-N curve.

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