The program   Fillet Welds may be downloaded and decompressed ready to run by clicking its name - the browser must be helped by Stuffit Expander or a similar .sit file decompressor.

While every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of the program, it is intended for educational rather than commercial use and no liability is accepted if it is not used as intended.

A dialogue with it follows :

*************                            Analysis of Fillet
FILLET  WELDS                          Welded Planar Joints
*************                                  - version 1f
enter -
   title : example of Notes  (kN,mm)        Consistent units for all input and corresponding output 
   number of line end-points  : 3
      and their coordinates
         point 1 :    0 -180                User selects convenient Cartesian system - point 2 
         point 2 :    0    0                is origin here (point B of earlier sketches) - and uses 
         point 3 :  120    0                this system consistently for all input 
   number of straight runs    : 0           Zero enforces sequential lines between 1 & 2, 2 & 3 
centroid at ( 24,-54)          weld length = 300
   Ixx= 1.069E+6   Iyy= 4.032E+5   Ixy= 3.888E+5   
enter the components of force :    -4     3   12              kN 
   and of moment              : -1200 -1600    0     about dummy origin - program converts 
elements of the b-vector :-                                   automatically to centroidal moment 
   bx = 2.617E-3   by = 5.778E-3   bz =-9.780E-5              kN/ ie. GPa 
   end-point         intensity - components   &  equivalent
line number 1
   (  0,-180)   -7.65E-3   -1.01E-3   -2.31E-1     2.32E-1   
   (  0,   0)   -7.65E-3   -1.86E-2    2.40E-1     2.31E-1   
line number 2
   (  0,   0)    1.86E-2   -7.65E-3    2.40E-1     2.37E-1   
   (120,   0)    1.86E-2   -1.94E-2   -4.53E-1     4.64E-1   
            maximum equivalent force intensity is  4.639E-1    kN/mm 
op : s	                's'ave option; 'h'elp option lists the options available 
dialog saved in : DCW Hard Disk:welded joints:fillets:eko
op : q	                'q'uit option 
end of program

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    last updated May 2005