
A screw jack similar to the one illustrated above raises a load of 5 kN. The screw is 24 mm double start Acme with 4 mm pitch, and the thrust bearing's mean diameter is 35 mm. Coefficients of running friction in thread and bearing are estimated to be 0.12 and 0.09 respectively.

Determine the starting torque for raising and for lowering the load, and calculate the jack's efficiency whilst lifting.

Mean diameter of thread     dm   =   ( d + d1)/2 = ( d +( d-p))/2 = d -p/2 = 24 -4/2 = 22 mm
  so   rm = 11 mm
Lead angle ( 2-start )   λ =   arctan( L/πdm ) = arctan( 2x4/22π) = 6.60o
Take static coefficients of friction to be about a third greater than kinetic values, ie. μthread, static = 0.16,   μbearing, static = 0.12. Assume that the square thread equations ( 2) are sufficiently accurate for the Acme here.
Raising, starting   φ   =   arctan μ = arctan( 0.16) = 9.09o     so from ( 2) :
    T   =   5 ( 11 tan( 6.60o +9.09o ) +17.5x0.12) = 26 Nm
Lowering, starting   T   =   5 ( 11 tan( 6.60o -9.09o ) -17.5x0.12) = -13 Nm
  ie. 13 Nm loosening
Raising, in motion   φ   =   arctan μ = arctan( 0.12) = 6.84o
      so from ( 2) the load raised by 1 Nm is   W   =   1 / ( 11 tan( 6.60o +6.84o ) +17.5x0.09) = 238 N
      while the load raised by an ideal jack is   Wo   =   1 / ( 11 tan( 6.60o +   0   ) +17.5x0.0   ) = 785 N
      and so the efficiency is   η =   W/Wo = 238/785 = 30%

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