
Australian Standards (SAA: Standards Association of Australia) :
AS 1210 : Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels
AS 1275 : Metric Screw Threads for Fasteners
AS 1548 : Steel Plates for Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels
AS 1835 : Seamless Steel Tubes for Pressure Purposes
AS 2129 : Flanges and Bolting for Pipes, Valves and Fitttings
HB1 : Technical Drawing for Students

Manufacturers' Information :

Heads, Rheem Australia Ltd
Size Schedules for Plates and Wide Slabs, The Broken Hill Pty Ltd
Sealing with Security, Richard Klinger Pty Ltd   - gasket materials

Further Reading (most design handbooks are too advanced for undergraduate work) :

Bednar HH, Pressure Vessel Design Handbook, Krieger 1991
BS 5500:1991 Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels, British Standards Institution 1991
Burr AH & Cheatham JB, Mechanical Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall 2ed 1995 - general introductory text includes some discussion on shells, etc
Childs P, 'Take the Guesswork out of Gaskets', CME, November 1981, 23-29
Flitney RK et al, The Seal User's Handbook, BHRA 1984 - gives an introduction to seals, both static (eg. gaskets) and dynamic (eg. face seals for rotating shafts)
Goodall PM ed, The Efficient Use of Steam, IPC Science & Technology Press 1980 - a very useful and readable general reference
Harvey JF, Theory and Design of Pressure Vessels, van Nostrand 1991
Hewitt GF ed, Hemisphere Handbook of Heat Exchanger Design, Taylor & Francis 1990
McKetta JJ ed, Piping Design Handbook, Dekker 1992
Moss DR, Pressure Vessel Design Manual, Gulf 1987
Nichols RW ed, Developments in Pressure Vessel Technology, vols 1-5, Applied Science 1979-87 - vol 5 is a useful commentary on world- wide codes
Singh K & Soler A, Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers, Arcturus 1984
Sinnott RK, Chemical Engineering, vol 6, Pergamon 1985 - includes generally useful information on heat transfer equipment, pressure vessels, piping etc.
South DW & Mancuso JR ed, Mechanical Power Transmission Components, Dekker 1994 - useful overview of gaskets and shaft seals
Spence J & Tooth AS ed&, Pressure Vessel Design: Concepts & Principles, Spon 1994 - provides useful background to codes (UK particularly)
Stephens RI ed, STP 1250: Case Studies for Fatigue Education, ASTM 1994 - invaluable insight into practical application of fatigue/fracture techniques to a variety of components
Thompson G, An Engineer's Guide to Pipe Joints, PEP 1998 - a mainly descriptive introduction

Texts - more advanced classics - on shells, flat plates and the like :

Dym CL, Introduction to the Theory of Shells, Hemisphere 1990
Flügge W, Stresses in Shells, Springer- Verlag 1973
Ford H & Alexander JM, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Wiley 1977
Novozhilov VV, The Theory of Thin Shells, Goningen 1959
Timoshenko S & Woinowsky-Krieger S, Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw Hill- Kogakusha 1959

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