EXAMPLE example fig A
Under test at 500 rpm (rev/min), a centrifugal pump delivers a flow of 0.05 m3 /s against a pressure difference of 350 kPa with an overall efficiency of 70%.
Assuming that rotodynamic machines follow approximate quadratic torque -speed characteristics, select a motor and speed reducer to operate this pump continuously at 600 rpm.

First consider the given test state.
The power delivered by the pump to the fluid is :
      Pfluid   =   flow rate ∗ pressure difference, Δp   =   Q ( pout - pin )   =   0.05 ( m3 /s) ∗ 350 ( kN/m2 )   =   17.5 kW example fig B

The overall efficiency of the pump is essentially : ηoverall   =   output / input   =   Pfluid / Pshaft
and so the shaft power necessary to drive the pump must be :
      Pshaft   =   Pfluid overall   =   17.5 / 0.7   =   25 kW       which corresponds to a shaft torque of
              T   =   P / ω   =   25∗103 (Nm/s) / { 2π ∗ 500/60 (rad/s) }   =   477 Nm

At the operating speed of 600 rpm, from ( 1a) the torque necessary to drive the pump is
              T   =   477 ∗ ( 600/500 )2   =   687 Nm

One might be tempted to choose a motor on this basis, eg. from the above table the 315 SMA with a full load torque of 706 > 687 Nm, but this would be WRONG because it ignores the torque amplification of the speed reducer - choosing a motor on the basis of power rather than on torque is generally less prone to error.
The corresponding power necessary to drive the pump is
              P   =   T ω   =   687 (Nm) ∗ { 2π ∗ 600/60 (rad/s) }   =   43.2 kW
Alternatively, since   T ∝ speed2 it follows that   P = Tω ∝ speed3 for a rotodynamic machine, ie. the power necessary to drive the pump at the operating speed is 25∗(600/500) 3 = 43.2 kW
example fig C

But the speed reducer is real and will incur losses which must be supplied by the motor. If the reducer's efficiency is taken to be 95 % (see eg. the table in the next chapter) then the required minimum motor power will be
              P motor   =   43.2 / 0.95   =   45.4 kW

The choice of motor thus appears to lie between the 225 SMB with a rated continuous output of 45 kW and the 250 SMA at 55 kW. Apparently the smaller motor would be overloaded by 1%; it's worth reviewing previous work to see if this can be ignored or eliminated. Factors affecting the choice of motor and reducer include the following :

It is unlikely that any of the preceding arguments can be firmed up by striving for greater precision in pump and reducer efficiencies, more exact scaling laws etc. We have to resign ourselves to arguments based upon imprecise/incomplete knowledge. It is for this reason that we may include suitable design factors (ie. factors of ignorance) to ensure that a critical installation is not compromised if operational parameters assume values at the dangerous end of their tolerance band. If the present installation is critical then we might select a 20% over-design and specify a required motor power of 1.2∗45.4 = 54.5 kW, necessitating the 250 SMA motor.

Good design requires accurate knowledge of the the physical units and processes, enabling minimisation of factors of ignorance and hence minimisation of over-design. But does the effort outweigh the cost?
In conclusion - based on the information supplied and pending further investigation - adopt the smaller 225 SMB motor with a 2.5:1 speed reducer.

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    last updated May 2005