my poser 0 I am feeling the pinch financially, so I pose the problem . . .
my poser 1 . . . with possible solutions as shown, one of which is tuning the engine, which narrows the problem further to look at timing, the carburettor float &c &c.
my poser 2 The broader problem incorporates the previous problem "how to reduce car's petrol consumption" as one of its narrower sub-problems.
my poser 3 Assuming that my car is used mainly for commuting to and from work, the broader problem here is likely to address my basic poverty more comprehensively than the previous narrower problem.
my poser 4 Broadening still further leads to some interesting possibilities . . . .
my poser 5 . . . . however yet further broadening leads to
- though when I later complete this problem to include my family's agenda I expect violent objections ! But even so, by broadening I have opened up a wealth of other possible candidates.


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