The feasibility study

A feasibility study presents the argument for the optimum solution to a problem.

For the purposes of this course, it outlines the designer's solution activities whilst following the rudimentary design process, and describes :

Feasibility studies should not be regarded as mere exercises in essay writing.

A professional feasibility study would generally not mention all the ideas considered, but would concentrate only upon the optimum solution including detailed costing. Undergraduates' reports however are expected to spell out everything (in brief!) - though students' inability to forecast accurate manufacturing cost for example calls for care when costing ( if costing is required ).

Writing such a report is just another occasion for 'putting yourself in the other guy's shoes'.Any feature of your report which prevents the reader from assimilating it as briefly, as completely, and as painlessly as possible is guaranteed to raise hackles. You must try to visualise a reader's reaction to your submission.
Attributes of feasibility studies which are sought here include the following :


Let's see where we go from here . . . . .

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