
The following selection provides a general background to engineering design and creative problem-solving :

Roberts JCH, Creativity Guide, Design Engineering Series, Morgan-Grampian 1960
Glegg GL, The Science of Design, The Selection of Design & The Design of Design, Cambridge 1969-72
Krick EV, An Introduction to Engineering, Wiley, 1976 - excellent introduction to engineering
French MJ, Conceptual Design for Engineers, Springer 1985 - highly recommended
Petroski H, To Engineer is Human - the Role of Failure in Successful Design, St Martins 1985
Maunder L, Machines in Motion, Cambridge 1986
French MJ, Invention and Evolution: Design in Nature and Engineering, Cambridge 1988
Fabian J, Creative Thinking & Problem Solving, Lewis 1990
Hollins W & Pugh S, Successful Product Design, Butterworths 1990 - rather more advanced
French MJ, Form Structure & Mechanism - a Design Primer, MacMillan 1991
De Bono E, Serious Creativity, Harper Collins 1992 - interesting; non-engineering focus
Cross N, Engineering Design Methods, Wiley 1994
Roozenburg NFM & Eekels J, Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods, Wiley 1995
Wilson CC, Kennedy ME & Trammell CJ, Superior Product Development, Blackwell 1996
Pahl G & Beitz W, Engineering Design, Springer 1996 - comprehensive, highly recommended
Dym CL & Little P, Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction, Wiley 2000
Skakoon JG, Detailed Mechanical Design : A Practical Guide, ASME Press 2000

More specific/advanced texts, cited mainly to show the topics available :

Wagner HM, Principles of Operations Research, Prentice Hall 1975
Mildren KW, Use of Engineering Literature, Butterworths 1976
Gordon JE, Structures - or Why Things Don't Fall Down, Penguin 1978 - light enlightenment
Flurscheim C ed, Industrial Design in Engineering, Springer 1983
Tabucanon MT, Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Industry, Elsevier 1988
Shigley JE & Mischke CR, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill 1989 - component details
Jensen PW, Classical & Modern Mechanisms for Engineers & Inventors, Dekker 1991
Chironis N, Mechanisms & Mechanical Devices Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill 1991 - browseworthy
Cushman WH, Human Factors in Product Design, Elsevier 1991 - man-machine interaction
Hubka V & Eder WE, Design Science, Springer 1995 - more advanced systematic design methods
Sen P & Yang J-B, Multiple Criteria Decision Support in Engineering Design, Springer 1998
Juvinall RC & Marshek KM, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Wiley 2000
Parmley RO, Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components, McGraw-Hill 2000 - browseworthy

Periodicals (vital for increasing awareness of current issues, techniques & hardware) :

Design Engineering,
Machine Design,
New Scientist,
Scientific American,
Engineers Australia,
Professional Engineering, etc

Learned societies' journals (often rather advanced for the embryo designer) :

Trans. American Society of Mechanical Engineers ,
Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, etc

Standards and Codes of Practice :

VDI 2221: Systematic Approach to the Design of Technical Systems and Products

Videos :

Warman Design & Build Competition - videos of recent heats and finals are available
Design for Manufacture: The Case of a Pump Body, Monash Teaching Services Unit 1992

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