An open ductile cylinder of 60 mm bore is made from a material whose design stress is 400 MPa.

  1. Use the maximum shear stress failure theory to determine an outside diameter suitable to withstand simultaneous internal and external pressures of 125 and 250 MPa.
  2. Repeat (a) with internal and external pressures of 360 and 180 MPa respectively.
  3. Repeat (b) but use the distortion energy failure theory.

    Quickly assess whether thin or thick by means of thin cylinder theory ( ii) with Sy/n = σd = 400 MPa :
    t   =   Δp Di / 2 σd   =   | 125 - 250 | x 60 / 2 x 400   =   9.4mm
    Since the corresponding t/Di is 0.156, it may be seen from the graph above that the error due to the thin cylinder approximation approaches 30%. This is unacceptably rough, so repeat with thick cylinder theory.
    Using thick cylinder theory, from ( 2) with as yet unknown proportions, γo :
    σm   =   ( 125 - 250 γo ) / ( γo - 1 )   =   - 125 ( 2 γo - 1 ) / ( γo - 1 )   MPa
    σv     =   ( 125 - 250 ) γo / ( γo - 1 )   =   - 125 γo / ( γo - 1 )                 MPa

    At the critical bore ( γ = 1 ), from ( 3) :
    σt   =   σm + σv   =   - 125 ( 3 γo - 1 ) / ( γo - 1 )   =   σmin
    σr   =   σm   - σv   =   - 125     (of course; it must equal the negative of the internal pressure )
    σa   =   0     (open)   =   σmax

    Applying the maximum shear stress criterion :
    σe   =   σmax - σmin   =   0 - [ - 125 ( 3 γo - 1 ) / ( γo - 1 ) ]     and   =   400 MPa
    Solving,     γo   =   11   and so from the definition of γo,     Do   =   √11 Di   =   199 mm

    The design equation ( viii) will be used, to demonstrate its directness compared to the method of part (a).
    Considering the application limits of ( viii),     po / pi   =   180/360   =   0.5     and   <   ( 1 + 1/γo ) / 2 for all γo.
    So, for this range of applicability, ( γo - 1) σ*   =   2 γo ( pi - po )     ie.     400 ( γo - 1 )   =   2 γo ( 360 -180 )     MPa
    Solving,     γo   =   10       and so from the definition of γo,     Do   =   √10 Di   =   190 mm
    The advantages of the design equation should be noted - although the correct application range cannot always be chosen a priori as here, and a couple of trials may be necessary.

    The distortion energy criterion is not piecewise defined like the maximum shear stress theory, so in principle the design equation ( vii) is more immediately applicable than ( viii). Inserting values into ( vii) :
    ( γo - 1 )2 σ*2   =   ( pi - γo po )2 + 3 γo2 ( pi - po )2     becomes
    ( γo - 1 )2 4002   =   ( 360 - 180 γo )2 + 3 γo2 ( 360 - 180 )2     which leads to the quadratic :
    19γo2 - 119γo + 19   =   0,   from which   γo   =   6.10   and   Do   =   √6.10 Di   =   148 mm

    As can be seen the second order distortion energy equation poses its own problems.

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