Select salient dimensions for a drum brake whose lining temperature is estimated to be 200oC. The lining wear constants are   Rwo = 8.0 mm3/MJ ;   To = 185 ;   n = 1.78.
The normal intermittent duty is :-
energy dissipated   :   7.5 kJ /application (which includes a design factor)
average speed   :   240 rpm   (during braking)   ( rpm ≡ rev/min )
braking time   :   0.25 s / application
required lining life   :   1.6 E6 applications
For one application   :   mean power dissipation rate ( 3)   :   7.5/0.25 = 30 kW
    Rp from the above table   :   600 kW/m2
    so, minimum req'd lining area ( 4)   :   30/600 = 0.05 m2
Over the whole life   :   total energy dissipated   :   7.5 E-3 ∗ 1.6 E6 = 12 E3 MJ
    Rw from (ii)   :   8.0 exp((200/185)1.78 ) = 25 mm3 /MJ
    so volume lost over the life   :   12 E3 ∗ 25 = 300 E3 mm3
    and thickness = volume/area   :   300 E3/0.05 E6 = 6.1 mm
This is increased by 100% to allow for possible uneven wear and fixing with rivets - so required thickness is 12 mm. Note that if the temperature were to increase by only 60oC, then the thickness would have to be doubled.
Over the braking period   :   displacement of drum from (1)   :   (240/60) ∗ 0.25 = 1 rev
    braking torque from (2)   :   7.5/2π = 1.2 kNm

The drum diameter   D and lining width   w may be estimated as above. Thus with two 100o extent shoes :
      A   =   w ( radius ∗ lining extent )   =   w D ∗ 5π/9       and eliminating w
      3   ≤   D/w   =   5π D2 / 9 A   ≤   10       leads to     0.29   ≤   D   ≤   0.53     say   D = 400 mm

The mean pressure   pm may be estimated from ( i), assuming   m = 0.35 say.
      vm   =   ( π D N )m   =   π 0.4 (240/60)   =   5.0 m/s        as always, keep track of the units !
      pm   =   600 / 5.0 ∗ 0.35   =   340 kPa   which is acceptable by the above table.

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