
Ageikin IS, Off-the-Road Wheeled and Combined Traction Devices, AA Balkema 1987

Apetaur M ed, The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks, Swets & Zeitlinger (conf proc) 1988

Baker AK, Industrial Brake & Clutch Design, Pentech 1992

Braking of Road Vehicles, IMechE   (conf proc) 1976, 1993

Burr AH & Cheatham JB, Mechanical Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall 2ed 1995

Industrial Brakes and Clutches, Hardie-Ferodo Pty Ltd, NSWUP 1976

Limpert R, Brake Design and Safety, SAE 2ed 1999   very comprehensive but restricted to road vehicles

Neal MJ ed, Component Failures, Maintenance & Repair, Butterworth-Heinemann 1995   useful guide to failure of bearings, brakes, gears and other elements

Shigley JE & Mitchell LD, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill 1983 and later ed

South DW & Mancuso JR eds, Mechanical Power Transmission Components, Dekker 1994

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