example on short shoes fig A


A brake consists of two identical short shoes arranged and actuated as shown. The distance between drum and hinge centres is 240 mm.
Assuming a friction coefficient of 0.5, determine :

common shoe geometry - refer to short shoe sketch ( a) above
  r = 150 mm ;     a = 240 mm ;     e = 150 mm ;     θm = 70o ;     so from ( 6a)
  m = 1/0.5 x 240/150 x cos 70o = 3.007 ;     and     n = 1 - 240/150 x sin 70o = 0.4528
  The "significant figures" quoted here for checking purposes are anything but - the friction coefficient accuracy is two sigfigs at the very most !
individual shoe parameters
    Shoes are external so   Δ = +1 leading so   δ = -1trailing so   δ = +1
    P     (N)800600
    M = Pe (Nm)0.15x800 = 1200.15x600 = 90
  (6a)N = M/μr( m - δΔn)(N)120/0.5x0.15( 3.007+0.453)
= 462
90/0.5x0.15( 3.007-0.453)
= 470
  (vii)η = 1/( m - δΔn)   1/( 3.007+0.453) = 0.2891/( 3.007-0.453) = 0.392
  (viii)S =   3.007x0.289 = 0.8693.007x0.392 = 1.177
  (5a)Fx = N( Δ cosθm - δμ sinθm )(N)462(0.342+0.5x0.940)=375470(0.342-0.5x0.940)=  -60
  (5a)Fy = N( δμ cosθm+ Δ sinθm )(N)462(-0.5x0.342+0.940)=355470(0.5x0.342+0.940)=522
  (5a)T = μNr     or   =   ηM(Nm)0.5x462x0.15 = 34.70.5x470x0.15 = 35.2
    So for the brake as a whole,   To   =   TL + TR   =   34.7 + 35.2   =   69.9 Nm
    Shoe free bodies with actuation, drum contact and hinge reaction components left FB right FB
    RHx   from Σ Fx = 0 (N) 800 cos40o -375 = 238 600 cos40o +60 = 520
    RHy   from Σ Fy = 0 (N) 800 sin40o -355 = 159 600 sin40o -522 =-136
    RH   by Pythagoras (N)286537
    Drum free body with reactions to above shoe-drum contacts at drum centre, and horizontal & vertical components of drum shaft support drum FB
    ROh   from Σ Fhoriz = 0 (N) (522-355) cos30o - (60+375) sin30o = -73
    ROv   from Σ Fvert = 0 (N) (522+355) cos60o + (60-375) sin60o = 166
    RO   by Pythagoras (N)181

If the brake is to be practicable then the average lining pressure   pm = N/A ( 5a) cannot exceed a value which experience has shown to be feasible - around 700 kPa for a drum brake ( see earlier   Rp table). The pressure resultant   N is higher for the right shoe here so the highest average lining pressure in the brake is   pm = 470/100 = 4.7 >> 0.7 MPa. The brake is clearly not practicable unless actuations and resulting braking torque are reduced to 0.7/4.7 = 15% of their values above.
Short shoe brakes just don't have enough lining area to give useful braking effects with sustainable lining pressures, however they may be applicable to one-off emergency situations.

The left shoe is counter-actuating hence requires a larger actuation than the self-actuating right shoe for approximately the same braking torque.
If the left shoe's LH coordinate system causes difficulty in comprehension, then the brake should be viewed from the rear - the left shoe in the front view becomes the right in the rear view.
We shall consider later the practical means for applying different actuation forces to the two shoes from a single control signal (eg. a car driver's stamping on the brake pedal).
The brake illustrates how the two opposed linings tend to balance one another so that the net load on drum shaft and bearings is small.

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