
AS 2784-1985 : Endless Wedge Belt and V-belt Drives, SAA ( BS 3790-1981 is virtually identical )

Firbank TC, On Forces Between Belt and Driving Pulley etc, ASME paper 77-DET-161

Freakey PK & Payne AR, Theory and Practice of Engineering with Rubber, Applied Science 1978   Not relevant to belts but a useful general reference for rubber behaviour, with applications such as vibration mountings, fluid seals etc.

Oliver LR, Johnson CO & Breig WF, V-Belt Life Prediction and Power Rating, Trans ASME, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Feb 1976, pp 340-347

Palmgren H, The V-belt Handbook, Studentlitteratur/Chartwell-Bratt 1986

Shigley JE & Mitchell LD, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill 1983

South DW & Mancuso JR eds, Mechanical Power Transmission Components, Dekker 1994

Wedge Belt, V-belt, Timing Belt and Chain Drives, Fenner Pty Ltd -   catalogue ( latest edition )

Wright DC, Adhesion and Slip in Flat Belt Traction Mechanics, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Western Australia 1995

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