The cantilevered shaft of fig (a) is loaded only by the 18.2 kN force. Ascertain the factor of safety at the hatched cross-section if the shaft is

  1. ductile with a yield of 350 MPa, or
  2. brittle with tensile and compressive ultimates of 300 and 750 MPa.
putting it all together numerically
Find all loads on member, resolving any static indeterminacies if necessary
The 18.2kN force is the sole load here.
Identify load building blocks and potentially critical element(s); evaluate corresponding stress components
Constructing a free body embracing the load(s) and the required cross-section, the load building blocks are found here to include bending, torsion and direct shear - fig (b). The cross-sectional element of fig (c) is identified as the most critically loaded; the stress components on it are :
bending :     σx   = My/I = 16380 x 50 x 64 / π (1004 -524) = 180 MPa
torsion   :     τxy = Tr/J   = 21840 x 50 x 32 / π (1004 -524) = 120 MPa
The direct shear stress maximises in the centroidal x-y plane at 4V/3A = 4 x 18.2 E3 x 4 / 3 x π (1002 -522) = 4 MPa Mohrs circle for shaft example but vanishes at the element in question; its neglect is justified. Other stresses on the element are zero.

Resolve stresses to ascertain the three principals
Stresses on the x-y faces of the element are resolved by Mohr's circle fig (d) to give the principals in the x-y plane. Since there are no z-stresses, the three principals are 240, 0, -60 MPa.

Apply the relevant failure theory
Ductile :

Distortion energy ( 8)     σe = √{ [ (240 -0)2 + (0 -(-60))2 + (-60 -240)2 ] /2 } = 275 MPa     ;     n = 1.27
Max.shear stress ( 9)       σe = 240 - (-60) = 300 MPa     ;     n = Sye = 1.17
Either theory may be applied to ductiles; the maximum shear stress is clearly more conservative as it predicts a higher equivalent stress.
Brittle :
Modified Mohr ( 10)       1/n = max( 240/300 , 60/750 , 240/300 -180/750 ) = 0.8     ;     n = 1.25

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