An element is stressed as in Fig A below. All stresses are in MPa.
Sketch the element oriented principally.
example on Mohr's circle A
Employing the conventions outlined above, one technique for constructing Mohr's circle is as follows :-

Fig B
By the convention, the stress state defined by Cartesian components is σx = -420,   σy = -280,   τxy = -240 MPa; so the points X ( σx, τxy) and Y ( σy, τyx= -τxy = 240 MPa) are plotted in τ-σ   space.
Fig C
Since the line X-Y is the diameter of the circle, the trigonometry of the circle requires :
                circle centre :   σm =   ( -280 -420)/2   = -350 MPa
                circle radius :   σa   = √( 702 + 2402)   = 250 MPa
                inclination of X-Y diameter to vertical = arctan( 70/240 ) = 16.2o
Fig D
The circle is completed, noting that the two principals from ( 5) are σmax = -100, σmin = -600 MPa. We choose here to define the principal orientation by reckoning σmax at 73.8o clockwise from Y on the circle, so . . .
Fig E
. . . σmax on the element lies at 73.8/2 = 36.9o anticlockwise from y, which enables completion of the sketch of the principally oriented element. Alternatively the minimum might be reckoned from y, or from x, etc.

The variations of the normal and shear stresses with inclination θ, calculated from ( 4a), are plotted below together with the Mohr's circles corresponding to the inclinations of principals, of maximum shear etc. The reader should appreciate the trends indicated.

example on Mohr's circle A

The foregoing should not be construed as being the only way for resolving a two-dimensional stress state, but it lends itself to rapid interpretation.

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